Well here we are.. very last week of the season! Thank you all so much for supporting our wee club, and making my job easier to get all these kids out playing cricket, it has been an absolute delight coaching the Juniors this year.
Prize giving
Juniors will be held at the club rooms, there will be entertainment for the kids, BBQ and awards. FRIDAY evening after Superstars at approx 5.30pm and again on SATURDAY after the games at Beck at approx 12 noon.
Seniors will be held at the club rooms after the days play on Saturday.
Seniors continue against Merivale Papanui.
SD 187/8 off their first innings, James Knight 49, Fraser Hawes 32, Rohit Kapil 29.
MP replied with 308/7. So going into Day 2, MP have a lead of 121.
3C 4A Gold have their final against MerivalePap on Waltham #1
Buzz Recruitment T20 have their final game on Waltham #2 against Sydenham
Year 5 Rippers have their final game against OBC at Kendal Ave School.
Year 5 Sapphires have their final game against Riccarton, we are trying to get this game at Beckenham, so venue TBA.
In an interesting draw our four other teams are all playing Halswell!
Year 3 Dazzling Devils are on Beckenham #2 against Halswell 19
Year 3 Cobras are on Beckenham #3 against Halswell 20
Kiwi Black Panthers are on Beckenham #4 against Halswell 21
Kiwi Leopards are on Beckenham # 5 against Halswell 22